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Resumo da Biografia Routledge Companion To Sports History

VEIGA, Sônia e NOVAIS DA MATA MACHADO, Marília Interrelations between influencing forces and organizational culture. A review of scientific production on the manner in which organizational behaviour various culturally reveals a significant number of research works notably from the 1980s on - that point out differences in values, attitudes and behaviour in a working situation (Hofstede, 1984; Segnini, 1988).

The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of trace constituents of Brazilian and Portuguese cultures on the establishment of relationships of trust. For this purpose the head office of a Portuguese multinational company and its subsidiary in Brazil were investigated, by means of research of a qualitative nature, utilizing the case study method. Regarding data collection, twelve interviews were carried out with managers drawn from both countries, based on an interview script developed from a wide-ranging review of the literature on the theme, especially that written from the anthropological perspective, as proposed by Schein (1986). The reports of the interviews gave evidence of the relevance of a more effective management of cultural artefacts, in particular greater attention to the sharing of values, in order to foster the building of stronger bonds of trust and to stimulate cultural contexts more in tune with contemporary organizational discourse.

Revisión sistemática descriptiva de 71 artículos publicados en la base de datos EBSCO host, desde el año 2012 hasta el 2017. CURRAN, James. The new revisionism saiba mais in mass communication research: A reappraisal. In: European Journal of Communication, vol 5, SAGE, London, Newbury Park and New Delhi, 1990, p. 135-164.

The start of the formation of a sense of nationality, in Brazil, goes back to the end of the 17th century, and start of the 18th, that is, long after the official discovery of territory by the Portuguese, in 1500. According to Moraes (2007), although the question who is a Brazilian? is late, the formation of Brazilian identity started long before: initially, with the fusion of the Indians (the first , the non Brazilians, the first ingredient of the mixture ) with Portuguese and, subsequently, with the arrival of the Africans and others who peopled the country and brought with them their contributions to the formation of Brazilian culture.

Analogously, Paula (2005) recognizes traces of the Portuguese mentality from the time of the discoveries to the present day in the Brazilian identity. Traces such as the belief in the realization of the impossible, in saviour heroes, in the transubstantiation of acts and facts, in the providential view of history and in the idea of the governor as equivalent to king by the grace of God, capable of distributing such grace and always willing to confuse the public and private spheres; traces which are still present today in the relationships of authority.

Describir las concepciones de cultura organizacional en las publicaciones de la base de datos EBSCO host durante los últimos seis años. Your Bibliography: Al Imran, A. (2014). A study on Amazon: Information Systems, Business Strategies and e-CRM. 1st ed. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.

Vivemos um momento de consolidação de um novo tipo de artista, um ser criativo que aprendeu que sabe nas ruas, criou seus próprios veículos de comunicação, redes de distribuição, valores estéticos, espaços para mostrar seu trabalho, etc. Fez tudo no espírito DO IT YOURSELF (faça você mesmo) do movimento Punk, até porque não existia ensino institucionalizado para as disciplinas” que estavam surgindo. Eles são os criadores e crias de movimentos culturais como Punk, Hip Hop, Street Art, Fanzine e Skate, com suas inúmeras ramificações, evoluções e conexões.

If you're still having trouble, check out Safari's support page You can also search near a city, place, or address instead. ANG, Ien e MORLEY, David. Mayonnaise culture and other european follies. In: Cultural Studies, vol. 3, n. 2, 1989, p. 133-144. Os programas de bolsas de estudo que possibilitam a aprendizagem do português em contextos específicos, designadamente no domínio da língua e cultura portuguesas.

You can also search near a city, place, or address instead. Godoy, R. S. P., & Peçanha, D. L. N. (2009). Cultura organizacional e processos de inovação: um estudo psicossociológico em empresa de base tecnológica. Boletim Academia Paulista de Psicologia, 29(1), 142-163.

LEECH, G. Learner corpora: what they are and what can be done with them. In: GRANGER, S. Learner English on Computer. London; New York: Longman, 1998. p. xiv-xx. Material on this website is © 2017 Deloitte Global Services Limited, or a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, or one of their related entities. See Legal for additional copyright and other legal information.

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In view of this, it is clear that Brazilian national culture has evident ties with the culture of the colonizer, reflected in the values expressed, in the adopted language and in the behaviour of the dominant class, which remind one of external norms. And even in festivals, religious, collective manifestations, that not rarely attempt to dodge the exacerbated domination of the colonizers, in particular in the origins of its constitution, by the Portuguese.

Fruto da iniciativa conjunta e interinstitucional de dois grupos de pesquisa ligados ao CNPq, SECEC, Saberes, Expressões Culturais e Estéticas do Cerrado, composto por professores da Universidade Estadual de Goiás, e GEHIM - Grupo de Estudos de História e Imagem, administrado por docentes da Universidade Federal de Goiás, a Revista Nós objetiva promover encontro interdisciplinar entre pesquisadores de diversas áreas que desenvolvem estudos sobre os temas cultura”, estética” e linguagens”. Uma salutar aproximação epistemológica entre literatura, história, geografia, arquitetura e urbanismo, artes plásticas, expressões artísticas populares e eruditas, pop e de vanguarda. escopo é, potencialmente, infinito.

MACKIN, R. On collocations: ‘words shall be known by the company they keep'. In: STREVENS, P. (Ed.). In Honor of A. S. Hornby. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978. DURING, Simon (ed). Introduction. In: The Cultural Studies Reader, London, Routledge, 1993.