Ellen Thallita Hill Araujo, Jnhessica Talita da Silva Rodrigues, José Arnaldo Moreira de Carvalho Júnior, Geovani Ferreira de Sousa, Francisco Gaunié de Sousa Pessôa


Objective: to analyze the meanings attributed by primary care nurses about the fight against homophobia and suicide prevention among homosexuals. Method: descriptive and qualitative research performed with nurses who work in the Family Health Strategy of a city in Northeastern Brazil. A semi-structured script was used for interviews conducted in September and October 2018. The transcribed statements were processed in the IRaMuTeQ software and analyzed by the Descending Hierarchical Classification. Results: four classes were identified, named "Prevention of suicide among homosexuals in primary care", "Public policies focused on the homosexual population", "Reception of the homosexual population in primary care" and "Fighting homophobia in primary care" respectively. The meanings attributed by nurses were anchored in improving the reception of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual population (LGBT). Conclusion: It is necessary to recognize the need to invest in studies that reinforce the expansion of humanized care and free of prejudice.


Prevenção; Homofobia; Suicídio; Enfermeiro; Atenção primária à Saúde

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