Catiele Raquel Schmidt, Fabiano Pereira dos Santos, Marli Maria Loro, Marina Mazzuco de Souza, Adriane Cristina Bernat Kolankiewicz


Objective: To evaluate attitudes and perceptions about the culture of patient safety by professionals working in primary health care. Method: A cross-sectional study, developed with professionals from the multiprofessional team, who work in basic and family health units of a municipality in the northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. For data collection from June to December 2016, the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - Outpatient version. Responses follow the Likert scale, and scores were considered positive when ≥7.5. Results: 172 professionals from the multiprofessional team participated in the study. The domains that showed positive results were patient safety and unit management. The lowest scores occurred in the error and working conditions domains. Conclusion: We identified weaknesses in the results, and the need for investments in structure, training and awareness of professionals, managers and users in order to consolidate safe care.Objective: To evaluate attitudes and perceptions about the culture of patient safety by professionals working in primary health care. Method: A cross-sectional study, developed with professionals from the multiprofessional team, who work in basic and family health units of a municipality in the northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. For data collection from June to December 2016, the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - Outpatient version. Responses follow the Likert scale, and scores were considered positive when ≥7.5. Results: 172 professionals from the multiprofessional team participated in the study. The domains that showed positive results were patient safety and unit management. The lowest scores occurred in the error and working conditions domains. Conclusion: We identified weaknesses in the results, and the need for investments in structure, training and awareness of professionals, managers and users in order to consolidate safe care.


Atenção Primária à Saúde; Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente; Segurança do Paciente.

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