Use of fruit-derived essential oils with antioxidant properties in animal cell cultures: A review
The increase in the use of cell culture systems has led to an increase in the research aimed at their optimization. Reducing oxidative stress generated in vitro could improve culture conditions and natural substances with antioxidant potential to reduce oxidative stress have emerged. Natural substances with antioxidant potential to reduce oxidative stress have been identified. Different parts of a plant, including fruits, can be processed to obtain essential oils, which can be used as antioxidants. As the raw substrates for processing can be obtained from food industrial wastes, interest in evaluating fruit-derived substances has grown, and its possible application in cell, gamete, and embryo culture is under investigation. This review aims to present the advantages of fruits as a source of essential oils with antioxidant properties, highlight the milestones achieved, and suggest the future study prospects.
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ISSN: 2448-0002
Qualis CAPES - QUADRIÊNIO 2013-2016
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Medicina Veterinária | B4 |
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