Avaliação da sensibilidade dos microrganismos a antimicrobianos: um estudo em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva
Objective: to investigate the epidemiological profile of hospital infections acquired in the Intensive Care Unit of a reference hospital in the Northeast. Methods: This is a descriptive, prospective data collection study carried out in two adult intensive care units of a general hospital and teaching hospital. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire. Results: Among the participants, there was a predominance of females and of the age group comprising young adults and married. All patients underwent at least one type of invasive procedure, with nasogastric probe and bladder catheterization being the most prevalent. Respiratory tract infection was the most prevalent (66.7%) among the total number of infections. Attention is also drawn to the high rates of urinary tract infection (45.8%) and bloodstream infection (15.8%). Conclusion: Respiratory tract infection is the main infectious topography in the hospital environment.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/repis.v2i1-2.6049
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