Ana Letícia da Costa Cardoso, Jefferson Abraão Caetano Lira, José Francisco Ribeiro, Julyanne dos Santos Nolêto, Rutielle Ferreira Silva, Francisca Aline Amaral da Silva


Objective: to analyze nursing technicians’ knowledge about accident with needle sharp material. Method: descriptive study of qualitative approach, performed at a large-sized hospital in the state of Piauí, with 12 nursing technicians. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through content analysis technique. Results: the majority showed satisfactory knowledge about accident with needle sharp material. Improper disposal of needles and blades was pointed out as the main cause of this accident. There was divergence in relation to contamination or not of the material to be considered needle sharp accident. A large part reported that this type of accident is quite distressing, disturbing and traumatic, in addition to having doubts about the notification and treatment of this accident. Conclusion: although the majority presented satisfactory knowledge about accidents with needle sharp material, there is a need for greater concern with Biosafety, continuing education and prevention of accidents to workers.


Contenção de riscos biológicos; Riscos ocupacionais; Exposição ocupacional; Saúde do trabalhador; Enfermagem do trabalho.

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