Alasdair MacIntyre e o tomismo: notas sobre Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry/Alasdair MacIntyre and Thomism: notes on Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry

José Elielton Sousa


O texto tematiza o tomismo em Alasdair MacIntyre, especialmente em Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry, mostrando como MacIntyre se apropria metodologicamente de ferramentas conceituais oriundas do tomismo para resolver os problemas que afligem a teoria e a prática moral contemporânea. Trata-se, portanto, de uma leitura hermenêutica do modo como MacIntyre se apropria do tomismo nessa obra específica, mas sem esgotar os elementos que compõem tal apropriação.


Abstract: The paper thematizes the presence of thomism in Alasdair MacIntyre, especially in his book Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry, by showing how MacIntyre appropriates methodologically conceptual tools coming from Thomism in to solve the problems that afflict the contemporary moral theory and practice. It is, therefore, a hermeneutic reading of how MacIntyre appropriates Thomism that particular work, but without exhausting the elements of such appropriation.

Keywords: Tradition. Methodological Thomism. Hermeneutics.


Tradição. Tomismo Metodológico. Hermenêutica.

Texto completo:



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ISLER, Carlos. Alasdair MacIntyre: relatividad conceptual, tomismo y liberalismo. Ideas y Valores, v. 60, nº 147, p. 89-111, 2011.

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MacINTYRE, Alasdair. First principles, final ends, and contemporary philosophical issues. IN The Tasks of Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006a.

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ISSN 2178-843X