Cardiac arrest and resuscitation in the view of nurses in the emergency room/Parada cardiorrespiratória e manobras de ressuscitação na ótica de enfermeiros de um pronto socorro/Paro cardíaco y reanimación en opinión de las enfermeras en el servicio de ur

Fernando Riegel, Sabrina Ines Kochhan, Diego Silveira Siqueira, Patricia Treviso


Objective: to know the theoretical domain of nurses in a hospital emergency room as the identification of cardiac arrest and resuscitation guidelines recommended by the American Heart Association, 2010. Methodology: it is a descriptive, exploratory study and quantitative. The subjects were ten nurses working in intensive care units and the emergency room of a hospital emergency room in Porto Alegre - RS. Data were collected through semi-structured interview conducted in May 2014 and subjected to content analysis. Results: the research showed that most of the issues relating to the study presented clarity of understanding in the opinion of the participants. The identification parade, no doubt. There is, however, considerable errors in matters relating to resuscitation maneuvers. Conclusions: evidently, the need to update nurses on the units resuscitation procedures, since for an effective and safe care, among other factors, is necessary for proper knowledge of the healthcare team. Also, it is considered important to encourage continuing education for these and other health professionals, because they are the remaining 24 hours in assisting patients and their respective complications.

Keywords: Cardiac arrest. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Nursing education.

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