Risk factors for developing pressure ulcers according to the braden scale: evidence for the elderly/Fatores de risco para desenvolver úlceras por pressão segundo a escala de Braden: o idoso em evidência/Los factores de riesgo..

Vitória de Barros Siqueira, Flávia Bezerra de Souza Melo, Rachel Mola de Mattos, Luana da Silva Santos, Laise Vale Kazahaya, Yane Tina de Macedo


Objective: To identify risk factors for the formation of UP and analyze the main characteristics of patients suffering from such injuries Internal Medicine (CM) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Method: The sample consisted of patients older than 18 years admitted to the CM and the ICU of a hospital Pernambuco interior. They were evaluated by EB patients without PU; in patients with UP installed was applied semi-structured questionnaire containing questions about the risk factors and complications related to UP; The records were analyzed to complement the information. Results: We submitted to EB 573 patients, most presented low risk (51.5%). Among patients at high risk, most belonged to the older age than 60 years (44.0%), which are also prevalent among patients with UP already installed (63.3%). The ICU patients had a higher risk compared to the CM. Of the 30 patients with PU installed, UP 7% acquired in extra-hospital and 93% in-hospital, among the underlying diseases of the vascular origin had a higher incidence. The sacral region was the most affected (53%). Of the 46 injuries installed 36% were stage II.

Descriptors: Pressure Úlcers. Risk Factors. Health of the Elderly.


Úlcera por pressão; Fatores de risco; Saúde do idoso

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/reufpi.v4i1.3505


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