Evidências na prática do cateterismo urinário: Revisão Integrativa

Mayron Morais Almeida, Francisco Wharleson Torres, Ângela Maria Lindoso, Rosalba Maria da Costa Pessôa


Objective: to discuss from the national and international scientific production the best evidence related to urinary catheterization technique in preventing urinary tract infection. Method: integrative descriptive review, in order to answer the main question: what are the best evidence available in the literature related to urinary catheterization technique? Selected bases were LILACS, SciELO and Cochrane. Results: 242 articles were found in the Cochrane Library, 81 articles on LILACS and 49 in SciELO base, adding to 372 articles. Of these, 10 articles were analyzed that met the previously established inclusion criteria. Conclusion: in search of the best available evidence, for the efficient nursing interventions for the prevention of urinary tract infections, it is understood that taking the nurse's decision on the use of devices should be carried out based on detailed and individualized assessment for every patient.



Descritores: Cateterismo Urinário; Infecções Urinárias; Enfermagem Baseada em Evidências.

Texto completo:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/repis.v1i4.4437


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