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Muito bom

por AnaSophiaVeloso Camilo (2018-06-26)

SPELL Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library

VEIGA, Sônia e NOVAIS DA MATA MACHADO, Marília Interrelations between influencing forces and organizational culture. ABDUL, A. 1994. Pioneering versus incremental innovation: review and research propositions. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11(1), 56-61. Keywords : Organizational culture; relationship marketing; cultural perspectives; interorganizational relationships; interorganizational culture.

The partnership with the legendary international exhibition Beautiful Losers will bring the work of twenty-seven American artists to Sao Paulo, mostly for the first time, as well as the presence of the curator Christian Strike and the artists Steve Powers, Thomas Campbell and Barry McGee. In this section prints, photos, ephemera, and videos will be on view by artists including Cheryl Dunn, Andy Jenkins, Evan Hecox, Geoff McFetridge, Harmony Korine, KAWS, Larry Clark, Raymond Pettibon, Shepard Fairey, Terry Richardson, Todd James, Wes Humpston, and Ryan McGinness, among others. Included will be original, site-specific installations by McGee, Campbell and Powers. American subcultures and the artists they produced heavily influenced Brazilian artists. This section of the exhibit offers the opportunity to further explore the roots of this connection as well as offer insights into the present day conversation between the two cultures.

It should be stressed that for the collection of data semi-structured and in-depth interviews were carried out with the managers of both units Portugal and Brazil responsible for the operation of the business area to which the subject of this study, the Brazilian subsidiary, is linked as well as the analysis of secondary data on the units, obtained through its sites on the Internet and documents that it itself supplied. Mention must be made of the utilization of the interview script, arranged according to the following factors in the analysis: National Culture, Organizational Culture, Management Style, Professional Behaviour and Relationships of Trust.

The objective of this study was to analyze the process of social innovation promoted by the Public Administration based on the entrepreneurial competences of the managers of the Culture Secretariat of the State of Amazonas. For its achievement, the Christmas Concert was chosen as a case study. Using documentary analysis and quantitative methods, their entrepreneurial competences were mapped; indicators of social exemplos de estudos culturais innovation were identified; and, the influences of the entrepreneurial competences in the promotion of social innovation were measured considered by the axes living conditions and generation of work and employment. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that there is a positive influence of the entrepreneurial competences on the social innovation promoted by the public administration.

According to SantAnna (2013), dealt with initially, within the ambit of studies on Organizational Behaviour, as the apprehension of flashes of elements apparent and manifest (Rozkwitalska, 2014; Hofstede, 1984; Fleury, 1992); and, subsequently, as investigation of latent and symbolic dimensions, from the perspective of Schein (1986), organizational culture can be comprehended as the set of basic presuppositions invented, discovered or developed by a group, as it learns to deal with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration functioning sufficiently well to be considered valid and transmitted to new people in the organization as the best way of perceiving, thinking and feeling the challenges presented to them (Fleury, 1992).

TRONDMAN, M.; LUND, A.; LUND, S. (2011). Socio-symbolic homologies: Exploring Paul Willis' theory of cultural forms. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5), 473-592. The AWOL Index: The bibliographic data presented herein has been programmatically extracted from the content of AWOL - The Ancient World Online ( ISSN 2156-2253) and formatted in accordance with a structured data model.

Darmani H, Al-Hiyasat AS. The effects of BIS-GMA and TEG-DMA on female mouse fertility. Dent Mater 2006 Jan; 22(4): 353-58. BASSO, Eliane Fátima Corti. REVISTA SENHOR: MODERNIDADE E CULTURA NA IMPRENSA BRASILEIRA. 2005. 239 f. Tese (Doutorado em Processo Comunicacionais) - Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo, 2005.

Brazil's finest underground graphic artists from the late 1980s and early 1990s are reunited for the first time in this section by the curators and artists Fabio Zimbres and Alexandre Cruz (aka Sesper), legends themselves. On view is an impressive collection of skateboard decks and experimental fanzines from various authors, as well as original drawings from Billy Argel and Speto, Brazil's most important skateboard artists from the 1980s. Old and new works from artists including MZK, Lauro Roberto and Alberto Monteiro are also displayed, proving why they are or could be (some of them are still unknown even in Brazil) the heroes for the new generation of urban related artists. Those new works also appears as installations, by the artists Fabio Zimbres, Jaca, Schiavon, Weaver Lima and Billy Argel.

The main findings of the study, obtained from the set of reports relative to the managers investigated in both countries, were related to evidence of the perception of links between trust, the organizational culture, and specific traces of the contexts to which they are linked, especially those arising from historical, social, psychological and cultural conditions.

The culture of innovation has been studied in different countries and disciplines. One of the major goals of its development is to drive members of an organization to share values associated with innovation. In this work, we sought to describe and analyze instruments for measuring the innovation culture, as well as to characterize organizational culture instruments used to assess its association with innovation. From an extensive review of the literature based on the main databases available in the country regarding the area of multidisciplinary knowledge, four instruments that intended to evaluate the innovation culture were identified and only two of them presented actual indicators. The measures of the organizational culture associated with innovation are diverse and reveal the complexity and lack of consensus on the analyzed construct. These results contribute to the implementation of quantitative studies and organizational diagnosis on the subject.

ANDERSON, J.; BILLOU, N. (2007). Serving the world's poor: Innovation at the base of the economic pyramid. Journal of Business Strategy, 28(2), 14-21. Darmani H, Al-Hiyasat IAS, Milhem MM. Cytotoxicity of dental composites and their leached components. Quintessence Int 2007 Out; 38(9):789-95.

A cultura de inovação tem sido objeto de estudo em diferentes países e áreas de conhecimento. Almeja-se com seu desenvolvimento que os membros de uma organização compartilhem valores associados à inovação. Neste ensaio, buscou-se descrever e analisar instrumentos de medida de cultura de inovação, assim como caracterizar instrumentos de cultura organizacional empregados para avaliar a associação com inovação. A partir de ampla revisão da literatura nas principais bases de dados disponíveis no país, na área de conhecimento multidisciplinar, foram identificados quatro instrumentos que visavam avaliar a cultura de inovação, sendo apenas dois que apresentaram maior rigor e mostraram indicadores de validade de uma medida. As medidas de cultura organizacional associadas à inovação são diversas e revelam a complexidade e a falta de consenso sobre construto analisado. Tais resultados contribuem para a realização de estudos quantitativos sobre tema e diagnósticos organizacionais.

One of the first consequences of this cultural shock was the introduction of the social institution that provided ballast for the formation of the Brazilian people: the practice of brother-in-law-ism. In colonial Brazil, this brother-in-law-ism consisted in offering the foreigner an indigenous woman as a wife. As soon as he took her to wife, the recent arrival established, automatically, ties that would make him a relation of all the members of the group. As it was usual for a Portuguese to have many wives, a large number of illegitimate children were generated, lost between two worlds, neither entirely Indian, nor Portuguese. The resulting problematic identity belonging neither to the forest, nor to the township resulted in a sentiment of nobodyness (Ribeiro, 1995).